Sunday, June 23, 2013

Taloc's Hollow Part 3 of 3

In the previous installment,  we had just left Kinquid's Den and were headed out to the last areas of the instance.  This is where we'll be fighting Queen Mosqua and Celestius,  the boss of the instance.

Before I ran the instance this time,  I picked up 2 quests.  One quest is from NPC Reemul in Inngison Fort (you can find him in the warehouse room),  which is called:
"Taloc's Heart Full of Soul".  This is an important quest because its a stigma expansion quest. Collect 3 soul pieces in Taloc's and you get an extra stigma slot opened. The other quest I picked up from NPC Tialla in Taloc's Research Campsite.  She's with the group of NPCs that stand on the scaffolding below after you come out of the wind stream that takes you into Taloc's Forest ( see pic below).  The quest is called "The Shulack of Taloc", and it gives the title "Guardian Protector" as its reward.   This is a good title for healers because it gives a healing boost attribute,  which is why I'm taking this quest on my cleric.

 After walking thru the area of daylight and tree roots you'll come to an area like the one pictured below,  with the path blocked by waving blue arm-like things that pop out and retract, which you have to wait for in order to cross the path.  There's also some new mobs called Komad Sentries,  funny looking humanoids with large heads and wispy bodies.

The path blocked by waving arms with Komad Sentry

The path winds around and you have to deal with another set of these arms and more mobs until you reach a clearing that looks like this:

Spotting Neith the spider
Its an easy jump down to your next fight with Neith the spider.  You'll see him fighting a Reian who calls for your help. 

Fighting Neith
He can sleep you for 5 secs during the fight,  so you have to wait a little longer to win,
but the drops that he gives are what's worth it.  He drops Dorkin's Pocket Knife (see pic below),  which is important because its used to cut thru the vines that cover the entrance to a secret room,  which we'll soon see.

The loot from killing Neith - Dorkin's pocket knife and Neith's Sleepstone

He also drops Neith's Sleepstone,  another item that can be used for fighting mobs in the instance,  and its skill is self explanatory.  It's good for when you have to deal with more than one mob at a time or if you need time for some reason during a fight. 

Now that we have the pocket knife we can make our way to the right of Neith and find the secret cave.  I've included some pics so you can see what to look for.

The cave entrance from a distance

The entrance is behind a waterfall,  and you have to fight Mr. Komad on the left to make your way over there. 

Approaching the vined door

You have to make your way to the door by carefully walking across a narrow pathway on the left.  Otherwise its down into the drink!  

Walking the path to the vined door.. almost there

Using Dorkin's Knife to "cut thru the vines" (open the door)

And finally I enter the room...Dorkin's Nook.  And there's Dorkin the recluse,  awaiting my quest turn in.

Dorkin's Nook,  the room behind the vined door

Here is where you turn in the quest "The Shulack of Taloc". 

Turning in the quest

He gives you a sack of supplies to bring to Seikin ,  who is located in the Wretched Garden in Inngison (Elyos). 
Another good thing about visiting this nook is that NPC Dorkin is also a merchant.
He's not exactly a normal general goods merchant,  although he does sell those things too.  He sells specialty foods and items only available thru him in this instance.  If your inventory is full of junk loot from your kills throughout the instance,  then this is the time to free up room and make a little money. 
If you look behind Dorkin,  you'll see that he's standing in front of something.  Its an
egg - a golden mutant insect egg to be exact,  and if you try to open it you'll get a message from your own character that says: " The shell is too hard to break"

Trying to open the egg

What's the solution?  Talk to Dorkin again of course!  He has just the item you need to break the shell.  Its the Shulack Hatchet,  and it costs almost 100K.

Buying the hatchet from Dorkin

The reward is always a little different,  and this time I got:

Breaking open the egg and receiving my reward

When you're done here,  its time to venture back out and continue your way over to
Queen Mosqua.   She can be found by checking your map and heading to Mosqua's Nest.  Here's a pic of her when I first entered her nest:

Spotting Queen Mosqua

She can be a tough fight that takes awhile.

Fighting Queen Mosqua

And the fight took a lot of my char's HP this time,  but I succeeded and got her usual drop:  Mosqua's Hairpin,  plus the quest item Taloc's Soul,  which goes toward my
stigma expansion quest that I picked up from Reemul.

Next,  you turn your attention to the egg.   Break it and a vent of steam will be

Breaking the egg
You have to jump into the vent,  pop your wings and let it carry you up to the next zone,  and from there glide down.  There's no other way to get to the last zone where Celestius is located so if you're having trouble you just have to keep trying!  After you glide down there's an area with plenty of mobs but you don't have to fight them if you don't want to because once you jump down from where they are to where Celestius is
you'll lose the mobs.  Basically what I'm saying is that you can train your way thru and not worry about dying.

And here's Celestius:

Fighting Celestius
He drops the last piece you need for the stigma quest

I have all 3 pieces,  I can turn in my quest now.
Taloc's mirage is who you speak with to leave the instance
Turning the quest in to Reemul
Completing the quest

Yay! I can socket another stigma now.  I have to decide what stigma I'll be using -
I'm not sure yet.  I have to think about it,  but I know that I can once I decide.
My next step is to turn in the "Shulack of Taloc" quest and acquire that title.

And that's it.  I hope this article has offered some useful info for you.  See you in Aion. :)


  1. Thank you so much. I was having a hard time looking for Neith Spider D: ..
