Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Camps Without Special Vendors: Katalam

Some of the base camps in Katalam have no special vendors.  These are:

  1. Crumbling Redoubt
  2. Irigani Keep
  3. Windswept Camp
  4. Sillus Pass Watchpost

Note:  Sillus Pass Watchpost has no special junk loot vendors,  but it does have 2 "special vendors" of a different sort.  Please see my post on Conqueror's Marks for the details.

Special Vendors: Katalam Part 2

In my last post I detailed the 2 camps near the Elyos fort:  Primeval Ruins and Spiralroot Shelter.  In this
article I'm showing the SV inventory of the remaining Katalam camps.

Name:  Broken Cliff Camp

Location:   North of Relics of Sorrow area

NPC:  Zetanakos (Elyos)

Items Bought:   Worn Danaur Relic Pieces, Worn Ancient Manastones,  Worn Metal Powder, 

Jagged Relic Bits,  Ancient Old Manastone,  Flawless Danaur Relic,   Flawless 
 Ancient Manastones,   Flawless Metal Powder,  Intact Relic Bits,  Intact Ancient Manastones,  Barren Metal Powder,   Intact Metal Powder

The SV  at Broken Cliff Camp

Page 2 of the Broken Cliff SV's sales inventory

Name:   Beritran Foothold

Location:  Stellman Valley

NPC:  Aranis
Items Bought:  Worn Hazy Crystal,  Worn Rare Serpent Membrane,  Hazy Crystal.
                           Holey Membrane,  Flawless Hazy Crystal,  Flawless Rare Serpent
                           Membrane,  Intact Opaque Crystal,  Intact Rare Membrane

The SV at Beritran Foothold in Stellman Valley

Name:  Occupier's Lounge 

Location:   Hadradim's Watch

NPC:  Tatiana (Elyos),  Moldof (Asmo)

The SV at Occupier's Loungue in Hadradim's Watch
Items Bought:  Worn Beast Claw,  Fractured Talon,  Flawless Beast Claw,  Intact Talon

That wraps is up for the Special Vendors of Katalam,  and hopefully you'll  be saving
your special junk loot because now you know where to sell it off  :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Special Vendors : Katalam

Another new feature of the base camps is the special vendors.  In 4.0,  certain junk items have been elevated to a status of re-sellable for more money than you can get at the general store if you happen to be at the camp with the special vendor who'll buy them off you for a higher price.   Each camp's special vendor buys a
specialized list of items that you may or may not have in your inventory.   It helps to know who buys what,
and the objective of this article is to organize the special vendors of Katalam by which base camp buys what items.  I've chosen to start at the camps nearest to the Elyos fort and work outward.   Here we go:

Spiralroot Shelter

Location:  Garren Forest
Vendor's Name (Elyos) - Lopan
Items Bought:   Worn Beast Claw,  Fractured Talon,  Flawless Beast Claw and Intact Talon
Additional Info: 

 I've included some pics below.  I had a flawless beast claw in my inv,  so I 
 compared the price paid by the general goods merchant and the special vendor.
 The gs merchant pays $1,340 and the sv pays $4,020.  Thats almost 4x as much,
 so for those of you who like to pinch pennies and get the highest price for your
 special junk items,  it pays to go to the sv if you're nearby and your faction owns 
 the camp.

Talking to Lopan,  Special Vendor of Spiralroot Shelter in Garren Forest

Talking to the general goods merchant to compare prices

Selling my special item to Lopan
Primeval Ruins

Location:  Loftus Woods
Vendor's Name (Elyos):  Lilas
Items Bought:  

Worn Ancient Elim Essence,  Worn Spirited Essence,  Decayed Elim Essence,  
 Rough Spirit Essence,  Flawless Ancient Elim Essence,  Flawless Spirited Essence,
 Intact Elim Essence,  Intact Spirit Essence

Additional Info:  See Pic Below

The SV vendor at Loftus Woods Camp
Part 2 coming soon :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Conqueror's Marks

Conqueror's Marks are another new form of currency in Aion 4.0.  They can be earned
by defeating boss mobs in the new instances.  For example,  I earned 5 of them when I ran the Steel Rose Solo instance and defeated the boss there.  They also drop from Steel Rose Group Instance,   Sauro Base,  Ophidian Bridge,  Danaur Reliquary,  and Infinity Shard. 
When I saw these I wondered 2 things:  Where do I turn these in,  and what can I buy with them? 
Eventually I found out while adventuring through Katalam ( and after I asked Raxu ,  who kindly told me where to go ),   that the vendor for Conqueror's Marks is at the Sillus Pass Watchpost camp (see pic below).  If your faction owns the camp you can be teleported there from your fort.  The tele for Elyos is off to the side of the obelisk.

location of Sillus Pass Watchpost camp
The exact title of the NPC is "Field Achievement Steward".  The name of the Elyos one is Kannaris.
The Asmodian NPC is named Isabelle.  Their window has 3 items for sale:
  1. Vanquisher's Box for 10 CMs, 
  2. Noble Vanquisher's Box for 70 CMs
  3. Brilliant Vanquisher's Box for 200 CMs 
Talking with Kannaris
It seems I can't afford one yet :(    I'll just have to run an instance and earn some more :)

You can also find another important NPC at this camp.  Its the NPC who you can trade in your old AP stigmas to for an AP reward.  For Elyos the NPC mane is Epina,  and for Asmodians its Setuk.  How I wish I hadn't thrown out my old dash and slash and lightning slash!  I can't believe I threw away AP!!
The stigma vendor's sales window

I still have QD 1 though and it commands 26K AP.  I paid 152K when I bought it. 
At least I'm getting back some of what I paid,  so I give this new feature a +1. Don't miss out on this!