Monday, April 16, 2012

3.0 - The New Housing Zone

It's been 5 days since 3.0 launched,  and I've gotta say:  The amount of new content is amazing!  I hardly know what to do first sometimes,  so I just go with the flow and discover things as I roll along...  I have some screenies from the new Elyos housing zone,  Oriel,   a place I spent some time getting to know a couple days back:
The Central Town Square in Oriel
Here's another :

 If you want to tour the area in style,  you can speak to the shugo NPC right outside the central square and
get a free 1 hour rental of the new surfrider mount.  Here I am riding to my new studio apt. on one:

Twilight at Oriel Bridge on the way to Rockroof, where the studios are
 Every player level 21 and up is given a free studio to live in.  It's a simple one room apartment that can be
decorated with the many types of furnishings available to buy from NPCs.  Construction is also the new
craft introduced in 3.0,  and already many players have taken it up and crafted items unavailable anywhere
but the broker.    I'll have more pics and info coming soon!  

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