The night before last I had a great run in dredge. For pure excitement, it couldn't be beat.
Our team: 1 sin, 1 tank, 2 clerics and 2 sms. The asmos team: 3 tanks, 1 cleric, 1 chanter, 1 sorc. We had one group wipe, which was our own fault but we were making up the points quickly. We were still down 1k though. Finally we met them in mid. Their tanks were tough, and we were getting pounded in pvp. Our sms couldn't get fear going, thanks to all the stuns of the tanks. They pulled way ahead in score by nearly 4k as a result of our losses and things were looking grim. The asmos were so confident that one of them shouted "Knocked you the f--- on out" in Elyos language. Yes, he was that happy. He went to that much trouble to let us know they had it in the bag. We pvp'd again on the path to Zanata, and this time the Sms got the fear on - that was the beginning of the end for the asmo team. After 3 more rounds of that, we'd whittled their score down to ours and the final battle for the win was on. Their tanks were hella pissed, and I would be too if my team had been that far ahead and were now in danger of losing. They couldn't beat the fear shriek though, and cutting thru them like butter while they're little purple rolling carts was truly a pleasure. By this time, our score was 300 pts ahead of theirs, with 1 min remaining in the game. From 8K to 5K - OW! thats gotta hurt! They tried one last time but failed and the clock ran out with us as the winners!
In the end neither team got the cap but it's ok cause we won, with the best turnaround from losing to winning I've ever seen in dredge yet!
Thanks to Snoop and Zophkiel, the 2 spiritmasters who made it happen for us, great job both of you!
And a big LOL to Dnoc, who had to eat his words in the end.
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