Monday, October 17, 2011

Elyos Take Divine

This past Saturday,  the Elyos here on the Siel server took Divine Fortress.  This is the first time since the launch of 2.5 in the summer that we've owned it.  Before 2.5 we owned it but that was reset with the patch to the default Balaur ownage.  Since then the Asmos took it once and lost it to the Balaur,  who had it up till
this past weekend.  Yesterday I was able to complete the quest I've had for ages:  Jarumonerk's Shot At the Big Time,  which awards the "Honarary Black Cloud" title.  It's one of those Aion quests that I call "step and fetch",  where you're asked to talk to a long list of people.   This quest is more difficult than the usual step n' fetch quest because you have to talk to ppl in all the forts,  and that's why it takes so long to complete.  One faction  never owns all the forts at one time so in order to get this completed,  I had to wait,  oh I don't know how long,  a few months I think.  Well,  last night,  I finally spoke to the last NPC on the list in Divine.  Not that I was able to teleport there - the asmos killed the tele NPC,  so I had to fly there on my own.  Luckily I'm a sin so I've got invisiblity.  Cheap tricks like that don't put a dent in my plans.    Now all I have to do is talk to the shugo on Black Cloud Island and I'll finally have it done,  but I decided to wait on that due to reports on the LFG that the asmos were camping that loc.  There's no rush on that tho,  BCI will always be there and it can't be camped forever :)

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