Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Game Update Tomorrow

NC made an announcement that the game will be getting some unexpected updates on 3/26.
These include:

  1. A new way to add pvp stats to accessories.  Whether these stats can be added to accessories that are already have pvp stats is unclear.  It will definitely be a way to add pvp stats to pve accessories.This will be good if you have some great accessories with great stats that are better than the pvp accessories but the only thing they're lacking is pvp stats.  The way this will be done is with the introduction of an item called a tempering solution.  This process will probably be alot like the current enchantment system.
  2. Introduction of quests to obtain glory points.  This will be helpful to those who don't attend fort sieges.
  3. Manastone automation.  The manastone socketing system will have an automated dispenser and counter added to it.  My understanding of it is: You load as many manastones as you want to take a chance with into the dispenser,  hit begin,  and it will make continuous auto-socketing attempts until the item is socketed, or until you run out of stones,  whichever occurs first.  The socketing system in Aion is notoriously difficult,  and although it states on the website that socketing will become "easier", I think that what they're talking about the is the ease of not having to click multiple times over and over when attempting to socket an item,  not that the chances of successful socketing have been improved. I could be wrong but I don't think I am.  
  4. Botter reporting system.  NC is introducing an in game app that sends tallies of the players being reported for botting.   
  5. A special room for high ranking players will be added in Kaisenal Academy/Marchutan Priory.
  6. New quests are being added for T dredge. The completion of these will award players with more update items like manastones and ceramium fragments/medals.
  7. Initiatives are being added on the Israphel server. 

For more info: See the update page

It should be interesting.  See you in Aion :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Idian Depths Daily Ancient Coin Quests in Maps

Idian Depths has a series of 3 daily repeatable quests that award the player with ancient coins.  The NPCs
who give the quests are located in Segurinerk's Bazaar,  which is the neutral zone in the center of the ID map.  For those of you who are new to the ID region,  the Bazaar area can be a bit confusing at first.  It is
a two part neutral zone,  with a walkway that leads from one side of the bazaar to the other.  This walkway
is patrolled by company bodyguards though,  which makes it fairly safe to cross.  The daily coin quest NPCs
are both located on one side,  and stand side by side so the quests are easy to pick up.

There are 3 daily quests that can be picked up.  Nedzelinerk gives 2 of the quests:  "A Graveyard Smash"
and "From the Cold Dead Klaws" (see pic below).   Actorun,  the shugo who stands next to him,  gives the 3rd quest:   "Night of the Grimy Clodworms".

Picking up the daily quests from the 2 shugo npcs

Most all groups do the quests in the following order:

  1. A Graveyard Smash
  2. From the Cold Dead Klaws
  3. Night of the Grimy Clodworms

This order is based on the starting point where the quests are picked up and the available exit points from that area.
Below is a map of the path that needs to be taken to reach the mobs for the first quest:
For those of you new to the Idian Depths region,  I've outlined the exit path from Sega's Bazaar in orange.

The 2 paths that can be taken to reach the first quest mobs
The location of the quest NPCs is marked in the pic above.
There's 2 ways to reach the twisted zombies for the first quest.  I marked the 2 paths with an orange line and  a yellow line.
Many groups take the path marked with the orange line,  and they do so in order to avoid the aggro of the elite mobs that patrol the yellow marked path.

After completing the first quest,  the group then heads for the location of the klaws for the 2nd quest (see pic below).

The location of the mobs for the 2nd quest

I marked the path taken from the first quest to the 2nd quest location with a yellow line.   By the way,
don't forget to loot each mob killed in the 2nd quest because the quest item "Purified Idium Ore" is what's needed to complete the quest,  not just the kill itself.

After completing the 2nd quest you glide down to Danuar Processional to reach the mobs for the 3rd quest
 (see pic below).

Location of clodworms for the ID daily

After completing that you simply make your way back to the side of the Bazaar that you began on,  shown
with the orange line.  When done in this order,  you're making a full circle around from where you started.
Turn in your quests and receive your daily 16 ancient coins!
I hope this helped.  See you in Aion :)