This is Part 1 of 3 of a walkthrough for the Taloc's Hollow instance, available to players lvl 51 and higher. The entry quest for the instance for the Elyos is a campaign quest called "Friends for Life" and only becomes enabled after completing "Proving Yourself to Oustremus". The "Friends for Life" quest has you speak with Lothas, an Elim NPC who asks you to kill 32 Woodland Brohum or Brohie in Taloc's Forest after visiting every tree (Elim) NPC you've ever met throughout your game. At this time I don't have the info for the Asmodian entry quest, however the instance itself is the same for both races. The following pics show my cleric completing the entry quest and running the instance.
Killing Brohums for the entry quest |
You'll see that an item has been deposited: Taloc's Fruit. Its looks like a pear. It transforms you into a powerful tree with about 10x your normal amount of HP. You must use this and transform before fighting any mobs in the instance because all the mobs are elite and can easily one shot you if you don't. You'll also notice a another
item in your inv: a red ball called Taloc's Tears. Its your first weapon for fighting mobs in the instance. Its a strong AOE that's good for when you have several mobs
aggroed on you at once. It takes about a quarter of their health.
A pic of my inventory showing Taloc's Fruit and Taloc's Tears in the bottom row. |
the roots of Taloc himself. As such, your map looks something like an underground
Heading along the path, you'll be confronted with a huge spider which stands in front
of 2 things marked "Writhing Cocoon". A message saying "The cocoons are wriggling - somethings inside!" appears .
Arriving at the spider who guards the cocoons |
A look at the named mob Shishir, the parasite of Taloc's Roots |
Looting Shishir after fighting him |
enemy at a time. It take more health off the enemy that Taloc's Tears, but it isn't an AOE. Next, walk over to the cocoons. They talk! They ask for help but you only have one bottle of corrosive fluid for dissolving a cocoon, so its up to you to decide
which of these two NPCs to free.
Facing the writhing Cocoons |
Taloc's I chose the cocoon on the left.
Meeting Engeius after using the corrosive fluid |
Accepting him as a companion NPC |
That concludes Part One of my article on Taloc's. Part 2 coming soon !